It's been a tough couple of weeks. I'm always telling people that it is nice to not have the rampant gun violence here like the U.S. has, then a major terrorist attack happens fewer than two miles from me and affects the entire nation (and many overseas). I didn't think something like this would happen here, where people leave things unlocked and there are rarely ID checks -- just an overall high level of trust and safety. It has shocked us and saddened us. But I have been so proud of how Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has handled it -- with love ('aroha' in the Māori language) and empathy and resolve. The images of her hugging schoolchildren, wearing a headscarf in solidarity, wearing her Maori cloak, and showing real emotion have been so moving and inspirational. This is what leadership can look like. Sitting in Hagley Park for the call to prayer last week and watching the national remembrance services yesterday live-streamed, I admit I feel closer to this place. People react differently here -- they are not numb to it, and that has been reassuring. I hope real change comes out of this tragedy. But it will take all of us doing our part.
call to prayer in Hagley Park across from the Al Noor mosque that was attacked |
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern at the National Remembrance Day - 29 March 2019 |
Armed guards and crowds in front of the mosque |
lots of flowers, messages, and visitors |
flowers and rings on the trees opposite in the park |
more flowers and rings in the park |